About my practice


In 15 years of practice, one thing that remains constant is my belief that meaningful change can only be achieved through deep work. Sometimes this work is physical, sometimes emotional; often it’s both.

Carl Jung called the human unconscious “the night sea,” and I believe it’s within these hidden layers of our mind and body that we carry our most stubborn pain, and where we experience the most profound release. Exploring the depths of our tissue, thoughts, and behavior can be painful, but the reward is waiting on the other side of your resistance.

Over years of body work and wellness consulting, I started paying attention to patterns exhibited by my clients. Some recovered easily from injuries and surgery; others didn’t. What were the factors that decided the difference? Studying the pain cycle led me to the inescapable fact that our bodies are the physical manifestations of our minds, and that we have more plasticity and power over our wellbeing than we realize.

In light of that truth, my practice has expanded to include Jungian shadow work: one- on- one sessions (or couple’s sessions) designed to root out the experiences and thought patterns that act as invisible obstacles to your progress.

Regarding massage, I work mostly with sports & auto injuries and chronic pain. I specialize in upper body conditions like whiplash, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff dysfunction, scoliosis, desk neck, TMJD, and headaches. I also have plenty of experience working to alleviate sciatic symptoms and lower back/ hip pain, and am double certified in prenatal massage. Cupping and gua sha are included with every service at no charge where they’re appropriate and well tolerated. Check out the full menu by clicking “schedule now” and feel free to reach out if you have a question about your condition.

Working side by side with you on your healing journey is one of the greatest honors of my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Images provided by Willapa Bay Wellness Retreat 2016


Holly Renée Morse, Founder | Practitioner

Emma, Security