Shadow Work


Shadow work is the difficult business of exploring and accepting our most uncomfortable emotions; the ones we hide even from ourselves as we fail to see how they invisibly guide our relationships. Grief, guilt, shame, fear: these can be our most powerful teachers when we are brave enough to offer them the podium. When you start to illuminate your shadow, you begin a process of seeing how (and more importantly why) you’ve been experiencing miscommunication and deficit in your relationship to yourself, your work, or a partner.

We offer gratitude to our feelings of hesitation and fear that have held us in place for so long, maintaining a status quo that has kept us (at least biologically) alive. We honor them for their dedication to keeping us safe. And then we begin to release them in our newfound ability to consciously create something better than mere survival; to awaken from our sleep- walk and into a boldness and authenticity that lets us feel truly present and alive.

To book your first session, click “schedule now” in the menu. I encourage you to bring a journal for note taking, water, and comfortable clothes.