I’m always happy to answer any questions you might have about the work I love so much. Here is a collection of the most asked, in order of the frequency with which I receive them. If your answer can’t be found here, feel free to use the contact form to reach out.

Do you take insurance?

If you’ve been approved for some sessions after an auto accident, I can process your MVA insurance. I can also run your HSA card or provide documentation for reimbursements, but otherwise I don’t process payments through insurance.

How naked should I get?

The answer is, undress as far as you’re comfortable being. If you’re one of those who leaves clothing on “out of respect” for me, please don’t. If I were squeamish about human anatomy, I would have definitely chosen a different profession. You’ll always be draped securely so your breasts, genitals, and gluteal cleft are never exposed. I’ll do my best work with the most access to your musculature, so from my perspective undressed is best. That said, your personal feelings of comfort and safety come above all else, so keep anything on that helps you relax and I’ll work around it.

How does cupping work?

For its sometimes miraculous benefits, cupping is a surprisingly straightforward practice. A simple but effective vacuum is provided by the cup to pull skin and muscle into traction and increase blood flow to stagnant areas. This assists with cell repair, formation of new connective tissue, inflammation reduction, and recovery time. For some people, it can engage the parasympathetic nervous system and reduce anxiety, or even improve sleep. The marks it often leaves aren’t bruises, but the blush of burst capillaries as the toxins are pulled up through the tissue into the lymphatic layer for you to flush. They usually last a few days to a week before fading entirely.

Why do I need to drink water after?

While hydration is inarguably important for your health, that can be managed by drinking water before your massage. The reason you’re encouraged to drink it after is to flush your system. If you’ve just seen me, I’ve most likely unleashed the cavalry of your own vices into your lymphatic system. The more you pee, the less damage their dirty little hooves will deal to you over the next couple days. Left floating around, they can leave you feeling foggy, sore, and generally unwell. Flush them out and bask in the glow of your clean, smooth tissue. Massage is an investment; take care of yourself after.

Can you fix me?

Put simply and honestly, no. I can increase your range of motion and make room in your tissue for you to take the steps you need to take in your journey. I can probably improve your pain so you can find the momentum to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I can provide a non- judgmental, loving space for you to approach your mind and body with life- expanding curiosity. My job is to open doors for you, and applaud as you walk through them.